Empowering Vulnerable Communities To Build Climate Resilience
A sustainable livelihood development initiative to scale climate resilience.
Cikin Dawa which translates to "inside the forest" in the native Hausa language is a community dialogue and capacity development program that works closely with farmers to support them on ways to adopt sustainable agricultural practices to promote resilience to climate change.
Cikin Dawa equips farmers with new scientific data and information that align with local and indigenous practices to advance resilience building. We achieve this through dialogue, knowledge-sharing, capacity development, and collaboration.
The program encourages farmers to adopt and implement regenerative agricultural practices such as agroforestry and agroecology to reverse soil degradation through interactions among soil, plants, animals, and the environment within agricultural systems. This encompasses multiple dimensions of the food system, including ecological restoration, political and social stability, and economic sustainability.
Through a strategic approach, the program aims to support farmers in strengthening landscape governance and resource management of land, water and biodiversity.
Our Approach
Capacity building
Promoting sustainable land management practices
Advancing climate resilience through knowledge-sharing
We’re promoting social engagement and mobilization between frontline communities to exchange knowledge, ideas and experiences.
We support farmers to incorporate sustainable agricultural practices that restores the ecosystem, add nutritional value and promote long-term climate resilience.
We provide frontline communities with the capacity and tools to adapt to climate change.
Community Interventions
FMNR Training for Frontline Communities
A community training approach that incorporates agroecology and agroforestry because they encompass multiple dimensions of the food system, including ecological restoration, political and social stability, and economic sustainability. These techniques have the potential to increase the resilience of communities to shocks, including drought and food shortages, and help mitigate climate change.
Agroforestry & Conservation Agriculture Capacity Building
A capacity development program centered on Natural Resource Management with focus on agroforestry, water management & conservation, landscape restoration, livestock grazing management, and organic farming. We explored crop diversification as an important aspect of agroforestry which improves nutrition, reduces risk of pest attack and that of natural disasters like flood and drought.
Training Apiculture Farmers on Sustainable Farming Approach & Value Chains
The workshop focuses on building capacity of Apiculture farmers on sustainable practices to advance honey farming, as well as new value chains and strategies they can explore to maximize profit and manage quality of their product. The training empowers local beekeepers and enthusiasts with essential knowledge, tools and practical skills in apiculture. This empowerment directly translates into improved livelihoods, economic stability, climate resilience, biodiversity conservation and enhanced self-sufficiency for these communities.
The capacity development program addresses critical correlations between beekeeping, biodiversity, and climate change. Its timely implementation empowers the community with knowledge, tools and skills, adding economic value, preserving biodiversity, and enhancing climate resilience.
5 Communities
350 farmers
Successfully trained 200 farmers on FMNR/Agroforestry, and sustainable Apiculture farming
Supported farmers with incentives to carry on agroecology practices
Selected beneficiaries for further support and training
Provided Apiculture farmers with modern gears for efficient honey farming